
Records about life, mostly computers


Do the easy things

“Nothing worth doing is easy” it’s been said. While there are many worthy things in life that are hard to accomplish, there is no shortage of worthy easy ones.

We are often intimidated by tasks perceived as too big or hard. They tend to seem like too much for our limited skills, shaky motivation or short span of attention. Tasks perceived as easy, though, are easy. Even when the task is actually hard, as long as it feels comfortable - either because it’s fun doing it, or familiar, or safe, or I have some sense of control over it - it will feel like it’s easy.

The good news is that big, hard accomplishments, more often than not, can either be replaced by an easier version of itself or broken down into smaller, easier, ones.

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People often don’t realise, but making silly comments (even in thought) about how your coworker’s plans for becoming an artist - or your friend’s efforts to do more recycling - are doomed to fail is probably not making you look cool, nor smart, not even to yourself. Behaving cynically, at best, just communicates pessimism. Typically, it will reinforce our own close-mindedness

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Perks of coding literacy

I’ve been wanting to restart my blog for a while now. Creating this one has reminded myself how a bit of coding literacy can unlock - besides a career - some nice little perks to life.

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